Tag Archives: deuteronomy 8_17-20

A Warning From God


God is warning the people. This warning is relevant to current day as well. Why?

One, because people are just as rebellious and forgetful today of God’s commands, promises, and blessings. Two, because people want to do things in their own steam. Three, people simply don’t trust God.

We’re hoodwinked by satan. He disguises himself like Granny, our best friend, or some sort of tasty food we really like. That being said, satan is good at mimicking and lying.

We, for some odd reason, believe lies told to us as if they are the truth. Therein lies the rub.

Why do we do that? Please leave a comment or a prayer request.

One reason I believe that we believe the lies is because we lack the true understanding of God’s word. The second reason, I believe is because people are rebellious. Just like a little kid who wants their way. Finally, a question for us; what then should we do?


  • Pray continually.
    You can do this with your eyes open. That way you can pray while you’re driving, etc.
    1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 says this: Always be joyful. Pray continually, and give thanks whatever happens. That is what God wants for you in Christ Jesus.
  • Spend personal quiet time with God studying His word and talking with Him.
    You can do this anytime. There are no hard and fast rules on when and where to do this. I do it mostly in the early morning. Sometimes, though, I do it in the middle of the day or even at night.
  • Get together with other fellow Christians; fellowship, worship, and praise God together. Be uplifting and encouraged by what you gain from this. Be very careful about fake Christianity, however. You will be led astray faster than you can say, “Hippity Hoppity”. Being in The Word and praying to God will make it very clear when you’re in the presence of fake Christians.
  • Make sure you’re attending services and being fed by a shepherd of God’s word. The previous bullet point comment about fake Christianity stands here also. False teaching is everywhere these days. Know the difference.

Prayer: Dear Father God, I lift up the readers of this blog. I pray for their spiritual well being and that they would seek You in all their coming in and going out. Thank You for Your word to help keep us on track. Thank You for Jesus being our Salvation. In Jesus’ name, amen.