A New Command: Love One Another

John 13_34-35 image

When we’ve been misunderstood and abused, we become more understanding toward those unfortunates of our world who grieve under the heels of cruelty and darkness. We identify with their suffering and can surely “weep with those that weep.” Our hearts grow a tenderness and compassion which will help to improve our relationships and nourish our souls.

Sure, it hurts and causes feelings of indignation when we are hurt. Nevertheless, we are not to take vengeance. Yahweh commands us to live by a new command of life: the law of love, that accepts misunderstanding and abuse and answers to them with tenderness.

Love as Yahweh loves us. The only way to do that is through the Holy Spirit. We’re unable to do it on our own. It requires something that we are incapable of, alone.

By this, all will know we are His disciples; because we love one other.

Allow the Holy Spirit in. Allow Him to soften our hearts; loving those unfortunate ones we relate to because we’ve already been there.

I like the quote:

“Be kind! For everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about.”

Even though you don’t know their battle, you can still relate in some way.

How are you traveling? Share your experience with others and your love for them in the comments.

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