Anna Met Jesus

19 of 25 Advent Scripture image

Anna… She’s an elderly woman who is widowed and a prophet for God; who also lives in the Temple. Scripture says she was very old and that she lived to the age of eighty-four (84). I guess in those days 84 would’ve been very old. Today, very old is more in the range of 100. My goodness, how times change. Scripture also tells that she never left the Temple; that she stayed there day and night, worshiping God. That afforded her the chance of meeting lots of people. She happened to come along when Simeon was talking to Mary & Joseph (more details of this in the previous post.) Anna was so excited about meeting Jesus that she shared the Good News of Jesus with everyone who had been waiting expectantly for the Messiah; so they could be rescued. Also, Jesus was filled with wisdom and God’s favor was on him.

Exciting indeed! I’d tell everyone too. This was a very long-awaited event to take place, the Messiah arriving. Though, no everyone knew he would arrive in this manner. It came as a great surprise to many.

Can you imagine, as a parent, having this experience with your child? I’d be beside myself and not know what to do, or be afraid I’d do something wrong in raising him. Or, all the different folks who encountered Jesus during this time after he was born; can you imagine what life would be like? What are your thoughts?


Thank You, Abba Yah, for giving us this gift of Jesus, the Messiah, to save us. It’s the ultimate gift of love. Love = Action, right? This is an amazingly awesome act of love. I pray that all the readers of this blog accept the gift of Jesus, A Savior. I pray in Jesus’ name, amen.

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