Chains Will Be Broken

Acts_16_25-26 image

That’s some powerful praise and worship that happened while Paul and Silas were imprisoned. It set all the prisoners free; not only physically, but, spiritually as well. All their bonds were broken. Physically and spiritually.

Further into that scripture, not only did this praise and worship free the prisoners but also, the prison guard. When the guard realized what was happening he went to Paul and Silas and fell to his knees, seeking to be saved. He asked Paul and Silas what he must do to be saved. In v.31 they told the guard: “Believe in the Lord Jesus and you will be saved – you and all the people in your house.”

Folks, do you find yourselves in bondage/chains? You can find freedom and be loosed of those chains of bondage. All you need to do is “believe” in Jesus Christ, the One and only True Saviour of the world. Not only for yourself, but for all those around you. Just like in the scripture, praise and worship Yahweh, publicly, and allow the power of the Holy Spirit to work in the hearts of all those around you. True and pure praise and worship is powerful enough to break the chains of bondage.

Join me in lifting our hearts, spirits, and minds in praise and worship to Yahweh, and be freed.

Listen to this music video to help you get started:

Comment and let me know how Yahweh is working in your life. What season of life are you in?

Me: I’m on the edge of Winter/Spring. Yahweh is working His plan in my life. I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. Something big is coming. I can feel it. I am beginning to see something powerful through the fog. It’s hard to make out, but I can feel it, deep in my spirit. How about you?

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