Eat, Drink, and Be Merry

Ecclesiastes 8:;14-15 imageKing Solomon loved a good party! Who doesn’t enjoy fun times?

Solomon honored joy, and holy security of mind, occurring from confidence in God, because a man has no better thing under the sun, though a good man has much better things above the sun, than soberly and thankfully to use the things of this life according to his designation. -Matthew Henry

The thing we need to be careful of is becoming entitled. Saying things like “I deserve this or that”. To be honest, what we deserve is hell. But, because Yahweh wants a relationship with each of us he wishes no harm on us. He wishes us to experience joy in Him.

Job 8:21 says that:

God will yet fill your mouth with laughter and your lips with shouts of joy.

Are you experiencing joy today? If not, why?

3 things to help you experience joy:

  1. Evaluate your environment, the people, the places, etc, you fill your life with.
    1. Hanging out with people to encourage and support you works well.
  2. Are you in The Word?
    1. Every mobile device has an “app store” where you can find a digital bible to install. That way you have The Word with you all the time.
  3. Are you experiencing depression and/or anxiety?
    1. We all find ourselves here occasionally. However, sometimes in life we hit a low spot and we end up unpacking and living in this depression and/or anxiety. You don’t have too. Seek help. It’s OK! No shame or judgment. If you do, find new people to replace in your life.
    2. Also, because satan likes to hold us in a mental prison, we find ourselves condemning ourselves and giving ourselves mental lashings. DO NOT believe the lies satan feeds you. He likes to raise up our past wrongs and hold those over us, essentially, blackmailing and emotionally manipulating us.

Yahweh is waiting for you to call on Him. He wants to bring you joy. Allow Him too.

How has Yahweh brought you joy?

Do you have a prayer request? Contact us now with it and our prayer warriors will lift your request up to Yahweh.


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