
We have peace with God. It is sin that produces the strife between us and God, not only creates a weird awkwardness but, an animosity; the holy righteous God cannot, in honor, be at peace with a sinner while he continues under the guilt of sin. Justification takes away the guilt, and so opens a pathway for peace. And the like are the kindness and generosity of God to man that, immediately at the time of the removal of the obstruction (sin), the peace is made. By faith, we obtain God’s arm of strength, and then, are at peace.
How can we not accept God’s gift of Jesus with the peace that comes with it? We all want peace; don’t we?
What does God’s peace look like in your life? Me?
Well, let me see if I can make a quick rundown.
- In situations where my life should’ve been taken; He saw fit to keep me alive.
- Times when I lived not such a good lifestyle; He showed me grace and mercy to deliver me out of it.
- He uses me to bless all of you who read this blog.
- Decades ago I started my walk with God.
- At some point along the way, He placed this ministry on my heart.
- I didn’t know exactly how to execute it. So, I just did what I knew best and shared Him with anyone who would listen.
- The Internet finally came along. I made a website. Not this one. This one came much much later.
- FB came along and I shared there on my personal profile.
- God finally showed me through the inspiration from other online ministries what to do.
- I’m blessed to have a wonderful marriage through God.
- We’ve had our fair share of bumps in the road. It’s not all sunshine and roses.
- Although I don’t have relationships with them, I have 5 grandchildren.
- If God wants it to happen; it will happen.
Your turn! GO!
Dear Abba Yah, show my readers Your path to peace. Show them Your love and grace as You have to me. I thank You for the readers of this blog. I thank You for the gift of Salvation through Jesus, the Messiah. In Jesus’ name, amen.