They mourned His death. They anguished over His tragic torturing wondering why He had to die. In 1 Peter 3 it tells us this:
Christ himself suffered for sins once. He was not guilty, but he suffered for those who are guilty to bring you to God. His body was killed, but he was made alive in the spirit. And in the spirit he went and preached to the spirits in prison who refused to obey God long ago… — 1 Pe 3:18-20
He briefly proclaimed the truth to those in spiritual prison.
We have the benefit of Yahweh’s Word to see the details of the truth. However, imagine if you will the mourning, despair, and struggles people experienced because of the confusion.
We have no need to despair however, because we know He has risen! He is alive!
How are you doing in your waiting? Are you in mourning, in despair, and struggling with something? If so, give it to Yahweh. Expect Him to meet your needs.
Share how you’re doing in waiting. Contact us for your prayer needs.