Intercessory Prayer

Daniel 9_20-21 image

It’s phenomenal nonetheless awe-inspiring: Yahweh petitions us to collaborate with Him, to battle for what He purposes. Therefore prophetic achievement can be trained on human response. Daniel is an example. Knowing from Jeremiah’s prophecy that seventy years was to be the extent of the imprisonment of Yahweh’s people (Jer. 25:12; 29:10), Daniel humbled himself to be a co-worker in intercessory prayer with this prophecy.

So Daniel writes that “while I was speaking, praying, and confessing my sin and the sin of my people Israel, and presenting my supplication before the Lord my God,” the angel Gabriel was sent to liberate Yahweh’s restorative hope for His people (Dan. 9:20–23). So, Israel’s move back to the Promised Land took place as promised by the prophet Jeremiah.

What if Daniel hadn’t prayed? What if Yahweh hadn’t found anyone to “stand in the gap” (Ezek. 20:30, 31 )? Will you be one who co-labors with Yahweh’s promises to see the accomplishment of His saving plans for this age? If not, why not? If so, why so? Comment and let’s chat about what that looks like.

While the cost of serving Yahweh is vast, the blessings considerably exceed any difficulties. Who’s ready to receive blessings? Comment and let’s chat about it.

Need prayer? Send it to me via this form below.

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