Joy And Justice

Proverbs 21_2_15 image

You’re wrong and I’m right. That’s just how it is.

That’s the way most people think and act. They believe in their hearts that they’re right and nobody else is.

That’s not what Yahweh says. In Proverbs, above, it tells us Yahweh weighs our hearts. It’s not up to us to tell everyone they’re wrong.

We need to focus on Yahweh and live in joy and justice; not in sin and picking at other’s sins. And we’re to stay away from sin and not do it.

Here’s how David put it:

Set a watch, Yahweh, before my mouth. Keep the door of my lips. Don’t incline my heart to any evil thing, To practice deeds of wickedness with men who work iniquity. Don’t let me eat of their delicacies. Psalm 141:3-4

Delicacies… We’re all about that, aren’t we? Something delightful or pleasing. We can get ourselves into some hot water there.

Satan likes to deceive us just enough to hook us in.

Oh yes, it’s happened to me, too. It happens to everyone.

We see that fun thing; knowing it’s a sin, but, we justify it by saying something like, “It’s just a little thing. It won’t hurt me or anyone.” That’s the lie that sucks us in.

We need to stop that. Yes, it’s hard, isn’t it? I know!

We must set our sights on a higher plane. We must look upward to Yahweh and our Eternal Home.

We must be about the Lord’s business. Yes, it’s hard work. But, that’s what keeps us from sinning. It’s what wins souls for Christ.

Yes, there’s time for fun and games. His word talks of rejoicing and having fun. Get into The Word and learn about Him and Eternity. All work and no play make for a dull life. Let’s use it to our advantage and to advance the Kingdom of Christ.

Where do you stand in the joy and justice of Yahweh? Comment, let’s chat.

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