Love, Do Good, Bless Everyone, and Pray For All; Good And Bad!

Luke 6_27-28 image
That’s a tall order, is it not, to love, do good, bless everyone, and pray for all; good or bad?

We, as a human race, take offense very easily and then want revenge.

Why is that? Because of the fall of man in The Garden and the curse put upon the Earth as a result.

We don’t like it when people say or do things against us or to us.

Satan is pretty slick in convincing us that we need to take revenge against our enemy.

Yahweh is not a God of chaos and disorder. He is not a God of hate.

Satan has us believing lies to keep us as mental prisoners.

I’m here to tell you, we are victors through Jesus’ death and Resurrection. Satan has been defeated. Accept it. Receive it! In Jesus’ name, Amen!

With the Holy Spirit living in us, we can love, do good, and bless everyone. When we do, we will be rewarded in Heaven. 

Don’t take my word for it. Search and study His Word and see for yourselves.

Are you a Victor? If so, comment your experience. If not, why? What’s holding you back? Comment, and let’s interact.

Need prayer? Contact me, now!

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