Pure Reverence

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Passion Week – Day 3. Jesus is at Simon’s house. A women poured an expensive bottle of perfume over Jesus’ head. The others were disgruntled at her doing so and chastised her for it. They didn’t understand the gravity of what she did. But, Jesus did. He told them to leave her alone. She was showing him more love than they could imagine. Instead of waiting until He was dead to prep His body for burial, she was doing it now. This is pure revrent worship of God. How many of us can say we show pure revrent worship to God? I’d venture to guess, not many. I’m guilty as charged. My challenge to you, today, is to pour out pure revrent worship to God. Afterall, He died and rose again for each of us. He redeemed us of our sins. Our Redeemer ??✝️?‍♀️??

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Listen and praise and worship God with me in this song: “How Great Thou Art”

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