Seeking Christ

Song of Songs 6_1-3 image

The ones made familiar with the greatness of Christ, and the advantage of a pursuit in Him, wish to know where they may encounter Him. The ones who will discover Christ must seek him first and tirelessly.

Christ’s church/believers is a garden, surrounded, and set apart from the world; He takes care of His garden, relishes in it, and attends to it.

The ones who will find Christ must serve Him in His commands, the Word, communion, and prayer.

When Christ appears to His church, it is to welcome His friends. And to lead believers to Himself: He picks the lilies one by one; and on The glorious day, He will send ahead His angels to collect all His lilies, that He should be forever admired by them.

The passing away of a believer is not higher than the owner of a garden picking a choice bloom; and He will save it from wilting, yes, and cause it to thrive unendingly, with growing beauty.

If our own hearts can see for us that we are Christ’s, do not question His being ours, because the promise never fails on his side.

It’s the solace of the church (believers), that He toils among the lilies, that He takes pleasure in His people.

Yahweh delights in His flock in His garden. What garden to you spend time in? How do you experience Christ? Comment your experience. Let me know.

Me: I delight in Him. I do my best to spend time in His word, in communion with Him, and in prayer. I love sharing Him with others. Your turn!

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