Self-Worth Part 1

ephesians 1:3-9 imageWe are Yahweh’s valuable treasure

Our worth is not of the “self” at all; rather, it is worth given to us by God. We are of inestimable value to Him because of the price He paid to make us worthy — the death of His Son, Jesus, on the cross, and His resurrection.

In the scripture image: Ephesians 1:3‭-‬9 Yahweh says:
He has given us every spiritual blessing in the heavenly world. He chose us before the world was made so that we would be his holy people — people without blame before him. God chose to make us His own children through Jesus. We are set free through the blood of Jesus. His grace is sufficient. We are so valuable to Him that He let us know His secret purpose, the Crucifixion and Resurrection of Jesus, His Son. It was His plan all along.

Our self-worth is too often based on what other people tell us about ourselves. The one, true authority on our self-worth is Jesus, and since He gave His own life up for us by dying on a cross, that should tell us just how valuable we really are.

When you cannot believe that anyone in the world would love you, know that Yahweh loves you. He declared it on the cross, shouts it in His word, the Bible, and whispers it to you in his acts of love.

In the following parts more truth will unfold and it will become clearer how valuable and worthy you truly are.

Little peek into the next message: It’s not about self-love, nor loving yourself more.

Who do you allow to tell you your self-worth and value?

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