Spiritual Armor

Ephesians 6_12-13 imageIt’s illogical! No one does it! No one in their right mind would leave home for the day exposed. It not only breaks social custom but you are unprotected from the elements.

Every day, though, Christians leave their homes unprotected from the spiritual elements they will meet. And as surely as we’re exposed without our clothes, we’re just as exposed for spiritual battle without our armor. The armor of God is something we put on and keep on because every day is a day of spiritual battle. The unprotected are persecuted or hurt.

The attacks of satan are ceaseless, crafty, and repeatedly searching for any place in our defenses that is exposed. Whether to cause us to doubt God’s love for us, or compromise our integrity, or confuse us with doctrines of lies and half truths, our only defense is to gear up for battle every day. Supported with truth, wrapped by righteousness, guarded by faith, and transformed by salvation, we are ready to face the day.

Why would you leave yourself exposed to Satan?

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