While on the Road to Emmaus… After Jesus’ Resurrection; on the same day Jesus arose from the grave, 2 disciples, Cleopas being one; Scripture doesn’t give the 2nd one, converse with Jesus thinking He was just a stranger on the road they encountered, unknown to them it was Jesus. They didn’t recognize Jesus, yet! Jesus was telling them they were foolish because they were slow in believing everything the prophets said. Asking them, “Didn’t the Messiah have to suffer these things and enter into His glory?”
“Jesus’ resurrection seemed to them as idle tales.”
Quoted from Matthew Henry
They urged Him to stay to rest because it was getting late, they were taking in a meal. Jesus broke bread with them. It was then that their eyes were finally opened and they saw that it was Jesus. Jesus simply just vanished in thin air. The two disciples then went to tell the other 11 disciples that Jesus really did rise from death.
What an amazing experience! I would definitely be in shock and amazement myself. Hind’s sight is 20/20, though. We know now, but back then, things weren’t as clear as they are now. And as human nature is, we all process things at different rates. Jesus was basically telling them to get with the program.
I would definitely run to tell everyone who would listen. It’s a humbling experience. It’d be a huge aha moment, no doubt! I need to be more readily open to listening to the Holy Spirit. I also need to be better at sharing the Good News. What Jesus did for His saved ones is nothing short of outstandingly amazing. We couldn’t do it for ourselves. We need Him.
Dear Heavenly Father God, thank You for giving Jesus as a ransom to redeem us from an eternity in hell. I pray to be used as a vessel for Your plan and purpose to share the Good News of Jesus. I pray for the readers of this devotional as well for the same. I can’t thank You enough, God. In Jesus’ name, amen.
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