The Body Of Christ

1 Corinthians 12_12 image

One Body

The human body is a splendid being. Scientists can’t reproduce it or even fully understand it. It is a union of many parts. Each member of the body associates to and depends on other parts of the body in strengthening the well-being of the entire body.

The same is true of all believers as members of the body of Christ. We need to function in Christ’s body as the parts of the human body function. Just like the severing of a limb hinders the whole body, there is no Christian brother/sister that we don’t need. The Greek word translated “body” is related to the word meaning “to heal, preserve, be made whole.” This word distinctly shows how our lives are totally woven together within the body of Christ and how one’s well-being depends upon the well-being of others (Romans 14:7).

Is there a severed or strained relationship between you and a brother or sister in Christ? Go to him or her today. Allow Christ to knit you together in His Church (His Body).

When I was in my early 20s I felt like I was severed from the body of Christ. It was after I graduated high school, got married and had a baby and was far away from the family of Yahweh. I was totally disconnected. It was at that point I made some new friends and they invited me to The Church they were part of the family of. I certainly felt like I was a part of Yahweh’s family and again, part of HIS body.

Comment your experience. Let’s chat!

As always, if you need prayer, contact me here and some prayer warriors will lift you up to Yahweh.

[Note: This post is inspired by one of my devotionals that I read daily.]

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