The Saviour Who Was A Servant


He (The Messiah) grew up as a plant, silently, and concealed. He had none of the glory that one might’ve thought when coming in contact with him. His whole life wasn’t only humble externally but, also heavy-hearted. Being made sin for us, he suffered the punishment sin had subjected us to. He chose to be made sin for us. He knew all along that this was happening.

Our sins call for all anguish and suffering, even the harshest. We’re saved from the devastation [because of sin we become accountable] by laying our sins on Christ. This atonement was to be made for our sins. And this is the only way of salvation.

What an amazingly gracious and merciful God we serve. The Messiah, a gift, instead of punishment and devastation.

How does the gift of The Saviour look in your life?

Me? God has blessed me beyond comprehension. I deserve the harshest devastation. But, yet, He sees to it that I am spared through The Messiah’s gift of salvation through grace. Thank You, Yah!

Accept Yahweh’s gift of salvation through The Messiah and be very blessed. That’s not to say we’ll never go through hardship in life. Yahweh often uses hardship to build our faith and to bring others to a saving faith in Him. It’s a free gift. All we need to do it accept it and live it out in our lives. I do my best. I slip up sometimes. But, because Yahweh is such an amazing GOD, he forgives me and gives me another chance to make it right with Him. What about you?


Dear Abba Yah, I lift up the readers of this blog. I pray for them to seek YOU in this Christmas season. I pray they lay all their burdens at the foot of Your throne and leave them with You to handle. I trust You to do that, Yah! Thank You for the gift of salvation through The Messiah, Jesus. I thank You in advance for hearing and answering this prayer. In Jesus’ name, amen.

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