Tag Archives: sin destroyed

Sin Destroyed

He looked at me and said,”Let’s have some fun.” I was a little skeptical and reluctant knowing his idea of fun. But, I said, “OK!” We hopped into his very fast car. He mapped out where we were going. We jumped on the freeway and headed northeast. He punched it! My head banged against the seat headrest and I felt glued there for what seemed like an Eternity. He slowed to take the exit to the curvy, twisting, and winding road.

At some point, I stated that he was breaking the law. He said, “So!” And went a little faster.

The only way I could get him to slow down was to let him know it was making me car sick. It was! My head was spinning and my stomach felt like it was in my throat.

The first five books of the Bible form the foundation of our faith. They show how Yahweh first began dealing with fallen man, and they trace right to Calvary.

Paul purposely points out that the old Law was a failure. This wasn’t because of any fault on Yahweh’s part, but because man is determined on breaking it.

Our only hope to be reconciled with Yahweh is through the supreme sacrifice of His Son, Jesus Christ.

By reading these books of the Law, we obviously see how impossible it is for man to live righteously.

We can take delight because what was once a fleeting dream is now a living reality through Christ, our Lord.

What is your situation with regard to the bents in your life? We all have them. Even me. My bent is that I talk too much, so I’ve been told! In talking I have an attitude. Thank Jesus for His gift of Salvation to us!

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