Believers Aggravate Christ

Song of Songs 5_6 image

Churches and believers, by carelessness and self-reliance, aggravate Christ to go away.

We must notice our spiritual inactivity and deranged circumstances. Christ knocks to rouse us, knocks by His word and Spirit, knocks by difficulties and by our moral principles; hence, Revelation 3:20. See full scripture text for today’s word here.

When we are inattentive of Christ, he still thinks of us. Christ’s love to us should draw our love to His, even in the most unselfish situations; and we can only be victors by doing so.

Reckless souls insult Jesus Christ. No other could be given to open the door. Christ cries out to us, but we are not mindful or pretend we’re weak, or we’re too busy and think we are honestly justified.

Making justifications is making Christ insignificant. The one’s who put dishonor on Christ, who can’t find it in their hearts to bear a heavy storm, or to leave their comfort zone for Him.

Notice the powerful importance of Divine grace. He unlocks the door, as one tired of remaining. This indicates a job of the Holy Spirit on our soul.

The believers rising above their own will, asking by prayer for the sympathies of Christ, and to shed off every obstacle to having fellowship with Him; these depictions of the soul are expressed by the hands dropping sweet-smelling myrrh on the handles of the locks. But the Dearly Loved was gone! By removing Himself, Christ teaches His people to value His loving and gracious visits more deeply.

Note, the soul still cries out to Christ the Dearly Loved One. Every rejection is not hopelessness.

Lord, I believe, although I must say, Lord, help my unbelief. His words forgave me, except, the hateful person that I was, I made up reasons.

When Yahweh opens our eyes, though, the suffocating and despair of judgments will be very harsh to imagine and take in.

The soul went in pursuit of Him. The guards injured me. Some attribute this to those who distort the Word for their crazy beliefs.

The speech to the daughters of Jerusalem appears to mean the troubled believer’s hope of the prayers of the weakest Christian.

Souls on fire for Christ are more tolerant of Christ’s leaving than of any other circumstances.

Is your soul on fire for Christ? If so, share how He is working in your life and bless others as well as yourself. Comment and let me know.

For those who’s souls are in despair and in need of prayer, contact me for prayer here.

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