Delivered Out Of The Wilderness

Song of Songs 8_5-7 image

The Jewish church rose from the wilderness, sustained by Divine power and favor. The Christian church was built from a dejected, downcast state, by the grace of Christ depended on. Believers, by the power of grace, are delivered up from the wilderness.

A sinful state is a wilderness in which there is no true comfort; it is an unsettled, wanting state: There is no coming out of this wilderness, but trusting Christ as our Beloved, by faith; not trusting in our own understanding, neither trusting in any rightness of our own; but in the strength of Him, who is the Lord our Righteousness.

The news of the church to Christ follows, urge an everlasting position in His love, and shelter by His power. Fix me as a seal on Your heart; let me forever have a place in Your heart; let me have a mark of love on Your heart. In regard, the soul would be safeguarded, and without a judgment; but because of wrong belief, no rest is to be found.

The ones who faithfully love Christ, are suspicious of everything that would pull them from Him; particularly of themselves, or they may do anything to prompt Him to leave them.

If we love Christ, the fear of appearing insufficient of His love, or the provocations to abandon Him, will be very unpleasant to us.

No waters can satisfy Christ’s love to us, neither any floods overwhelm it. Let nothing diminish our love to Him. Neither will life and all its pleasures, tempt a believer from loving Christ.

Love of Christ will permit us to resist and give us victory over temptations from the sneers of the world, as well as from its condemnations.

Where do you stand in regards to the wilderness? Do you trust in yourself to free you; or are you trusting Christ to deliver you from the wilderness? Because only Christ can do the job. He will guard our hearts and lead us to victory!

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