Forgiveness – Part 2

forgiveness part 2 imageWhat forgiveness is not.

Forgiveness is not allowing the offender/offense to be released.
We can and should still hold others accountable for their actions or lack thereof.
Forgiveness is not letting the offense continue over and over again.
We don’t have to tolerate, nor should we keep ourselves open to, lack of respect or any form of abuse.
Forgiveness does not mean we have to return to being the victim.
Forgiving is not saying, “What you did was okay, so go ahead and walk all over me.” Nor is it playing the martyr (a person who undergoes severe or constant suffering), because it perpetuates our victim role.
Forgiveness is not the same as reconciling (making peace).
We can forgive someone even if we are unable to get along with him/her again.
Forgiveness is not based on others’ actions but on our attitude.
People will continue to hurt us through life. We can either look away from them or stay stuck and angry, or we can begin to keep our minds on our loving relationship with God, knowing and trusting in what is good.
Forgiveness does not mean forgetting.
It’s normal for memories to be triggered in the future. When thoughts of past hurts occur, it’s what we do with them that counts. When we find ourselves focusing on a past offense, we can learn to say, “Thank you, Yahweh, for this reminder of how important forgiveness is.”

It’s important to forgive because Yahweh sees your heart and knows it. Sincerely forgiving allows Yahweh to forgive you.

In today’s scripture, verse 26 says that if we don’t forgive neither will Yahweh forgive us. What that’s saying is that unforgiveness eats away at your soul and will make it die and turning you into a bitter and angry person toward Yahweh and the world. 

The quote below says it very well:

One great errand to the throne of grace is to pray for the pardon of our sins; and care about this ought to be our daily concern. – Matthew Henry

Release your unforgiveness to Yahweh. Allow His peace to wash over you and allow yourself forgiveness as you forgive others too.

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