Friendship With Christ

Song of Songs 8_1-4 image

The church yearns for the continuous friendship and liberty with the Lord Jesus that siblings have. That they may be like His brother, and so they are when by grace they are named participants of a Divine creation.

Christ is represented like our Brother; anywhere we witness him, let’s be mindful to keep our bond to Him, and desire for Him, and not worry about being hated because of it.

Do we have within us a faithful desire to serve Christ more and better? In that case, what do we have stored up, to display our devotion to the Beloved of our hearts? What fruit toward righteousness?

The church should require all her children to never upset Christ to leave. We should reflect within ourselves when tempted to do what would break the Spirit’s heart.

What do you do to keep a constant desire to be Christ’s friend? If you don’t, then what? What will you do to have that desire within you? We must not be worried about what others think of our relationship with Christ. We must be the example to draw people to Him.

Comment your response. I’d love to hear from you.

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