
These angels of the Lord are busy characters. In this scripture, one of the angels is comforting Zechariah to not be afraid, as well as, informing him that God heard his prayer and his wife Elizabeth will give birth to a son (Elizabeth was on older woman by this time. She’s not been able to conceive before now) and they are to name him John. John will be great in the eyes of the Lord. John mustn’t touch any kind of alcoholic drink. Even before John is born he will be filled with the Holy Spirit.
He will be the forerunner of Jesus.
So, something that blows my mind is that the Holy Spirit is to dwell in utero within John’s fetus. At the same time, Mary will be pregnant with Jesus. That’s amazing because two of the Trinity are in baby form at the same time. He is the all-powerful, almighty, and supreme God. There is none other. He is one of a kind. He is alive; living in and through His word and His church body.
That proves HIS Omnipresence. He can be everywhere at the same time all the time.
Yahweh is beyond amazing; comprehension is unattainable regarding how He works.
This is where faith kicks in. We must trust Him. If we don’t, chaos ensues.
The Messiah is coming!
How does this scripture speak to you? How do you apply this knowledge to your life? Me?
I cannot help but praise, honor, glorify, worship, adore, and love Yahweh for this gift He has given to us. He is so beyond any comprehension I have. I do trust Him. I’ve long ago surrendered to Him. Yeah, there are times I break down and question my faith and why He is doing with my life. I also wonder what is that He needs to use me for? I feel useless at times. But, that’s what Satan would have us believe. He is a liar. He’s the father of lies. I stomp on his head in Jesus’ name. Amen.
Almighty Abba Yah, thank you can’t say it good enough. But, thank You. You are amazingly awesome. I lift up the readers of this blog to You. I pray that they will be blessed beyond measure. Pressed down and overflowing with Your grace and mercy. I pray the Holy Spirit washes over them and brings them to their knees in full adoration and honor to You for who You are and what You’ve done for our depraved souls. The gift of salvation is the only way to Heaven. I pray for everyone reading this blog to seek You fully. In Jesus’ name, amen.