In Fellowship With Christ

Song of Songs 7_10-13 image

The church, the believer, is victorious in its relationship to Christ, and appeal to Him.

She simply craves fellowship with Him. Let’s amble together, that I can get counsel, guidance, and encouragement from You; and can share my wants and my objections to You, with ease, and without interference.

Fellowship with Christ is what the righteous sincerely live for. And the ones who will speak with Christ must break away from the world.

Wheresoever we are, we will keep up fellowship with Yahweh. We should never go where we can’t, in faith, invite Him to go with us.

The ones who will go with Christ need to begin first thing in the morning about their days; must start every day with Him, look for him first thing, look for Him eagerly.

A loving soul can reunite itself to the most ordinary places if it will have fellowship with Yahweh in them, but the very pleasant area won’t be complete except that the Beloved is there.

Let’s not think to be pleased with any earthly things. Our own souls are our grapevines; they should be planted with suitable trees. We should regularly explore whether we’re fruitful in honor and integrity.

Christ’s nearness will give life to the vine to thrive, and the young grapes develop, while the rising sun renews the gardens. If we can say to him, You know all things, You know that I love You; if His Spirit bears witness with our spirit, that our souls thrive, it’s complete. And we must beg of Him to examine and test us, to observe ourselves.

The consequences and actions of mercy are acceptable to the Lord Jesus. These must be stored up, and always available; that by our helping others in need, He may be honored. It’s all of Him, since, it’s right, it will be all for Him.

What’s your fellowship with Christ like? He longs to spend time with you. Do you crave time with Him? Tell us. Bless others and bless yourself.

Me: I could do better. In the meantime, I enjoy fellowship with Christ. He listens as I talk and as we walk through life together. Your turn.

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