Job Answered || Part 1

Job 42:1 imageThis is part of a multipart series. After the series is finished I’ll come back here and create an index for each part.

This series is going to focus on finding healing in repentance and prayer.

For part one we’ll focus on Job answering Yahweh.

Heres Job’s answer to Yahweh in verses 2-6

2 “I know that you (Yahweh) can do all things and that no plan of yours can be ruined. 3 You (Yahweh) asked, ‘Who is this that made my purpose unclear by saying things that are not true?’ Surely I (Job) spoke of things I did not understand; I talked of things too wonderful for me to know. 4 You (Yahweh) said, ‘Listen now, and I will speak. I will ask you questions, and you must answer me.’ 5 My (Job’s) ears had heard of you before, but now my eyes have seen you. 6 So now I hate myself; I will change my heart and life. I will sit in the dust and ashes.”

Job realized his utter brokenness. He realized that he was being selfish. He turned the selfishness into hate to change his heart and life by sitting in the dust and ashes. How much lower can one get?

When Yahweh showed Himself to Job, it caused Job to reflect on his life and how he’d been living. It caused him to realize the gravity of the situation and how utterly broken he was.

We need to look in the mirror, while Yahweh stands right by us, and realize our utter brokenness and how much we need Yahweh.

How do you see yourself? Are you utterly broken? Have you been living selfishly?

Take stock of your life. Have a conversation with Yahweh. Surrender it all to Him.

Me: I’m being humbled daily at my utter selfishness about my living situation. I’ve been set straight and in no uncertain terms am I to complain about it anymore. Yahweh is in control and is handling things. Thank You Yahweh!

Comment with your thoughts and let us know how Yahweh is working in your life.

Series Index:
Part 1  ||  Part 2  ||  Part 3

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