Only One!

Song of Songs 6_9-10 image

All the real greatness and godliness on earth focus inside the church/the body of Christ.

Christ goes out defeating His enemies, while His followers achieve victories over the world, the flesh, and satan. He shows the care of a Redeemer, the joy He gives in his redeemed people, and the accomplishment of His own forgiveness in them.

Read today’s full scripture here.

True believers, singly, can have the character of holiness. And when their real nature is recognized, it will be accepted. Both the church and believers, at their initial conversion, look ahead as the morning, their light being tiny, but growing.

As to their anointing, they are bright as the moon, receiving all their light, mercy, and grace from Christ; and as to justification, pure as the sun, robed with Christ, the Son of righteousness, and fighting the good fight of faith, under the flag of Christ, opposing all spiritual rivals.

Most flaborious {fabulous & glorious, I made up this word… ;-)}!!!
It’s flamazing {another of my made up word for, fabulous & amazing}!!! I love this word picture created. As you read picture it! Stunning! Yahweh is amazingly stunning and awesomely magnificent. Don’t you agree?

Comment your experience with Yahweh. How does He impact your life?

Me: I’m continually blown away by how awesome and amazing Yahweh is. He never ceases to amaze me daily. He wakes me with His glorious Holy Spirit giving me life. He presents Himself to me in everything I see and do. For example, the sun rising; sun setting, the flowers, the wild creatures that scamper and fly about, the rain, it gives life to everything, the great smells and everything living.

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