Prayer Partners

James 5_16 image

We like it when great things happen! So then, we partner with Yahweh and pray for each other.

ABBA Yahweh enjoys partnering with us in observing His will in place here on earth. But we repeatedly feel a failure in knowing how to be His partner in the job. This scripture not only supplies us with a solution to witnessing that partnership proved but also with a real model of how it can be realistically lived out.

The scripture states that “Elijah was a man with a nature like ours” (James 5:17). He wasn’t any different from you or me. He just moved into position with Yahweh’s plan and sincerely prayed that His will would be fulfilled. Elijah’s passionate prayer broke the chains of drought. Jesus further details, “Whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven” (Matt. 16:19). Our responsibility is clear: we pray; He frees.

What needs to be converted in your world today? Bring it to Yahweh in prayer and then see Him release the solution in all of His promises and blessings.

Share how Yahweh has given you an answer to prayer because you moved into position (vertical alignment) with Yahweh’s plan and partnered with Him in prayer.

Me: In 2009, my marriage was on the brink of disaster. I prayed from January to August about it. Never once in my prayers did I impose my human nature wants onto Yahweh. I always prayed to be used by Him and that His will was fulfilled in it and that He was honored and glorified in it all. In August 2009, my prayers were answered, plus some. It was an amazing miracle. It’s important to partner with Yahweh. Without Him, we’re lost and living in chaos. Praise HIS Holy Name!

Your turn!

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