Prayers and Promises

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Because of His grace and truth, to HIS great name, we give glory.

There’s more than meets the eye in this verse. Here’s what I found in my research:

Because God promised to deliver them, not for their sakes, but for his Name, (Isaiah 48:11 – I do this for myself, for my own sake. I will not let people speak evil against me, and I will not let some god take my glory.), therefore they connect their prayer on this promise.

Let no opinion of our own merits have any place in our prayers or in our praises. All the good we do, is done by the power of his grace; and all the good we have, is the gift of his mere mercy, and he must have all the praise. Are we in pursuit of any mercy, and wrestling with God for it, we must take encouragement in prayer from God only.
Matthew Henry

How is His grace and mercy blessing you right now? Comment and let me know. Let’s bless others as we’re blessed in where we are right now.

Me? I personally have to really work at focusing on Adonai. Because life is the way it is around the world right now and being pressed from all sides, it’s easy to get distracted and forget Yahweh’s grace and mercy. I find myself withdrawing from the world and drawing closer to HIM. He is my comfort, my protector, my all!

Let’s interact, leave a comment.

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