Tag Archives: almighty God

God Almighty

Luke_1_37 imageWhere do you find yourself in life?

Last night my husband and I attended the 2nd, in a series, Bible study at our home church. It’s titled: Growing in God.

I noticed a trend in the responses of the attendees. The trend was that we all wanted to focus on our relationship with God and have a better prayer life, as well as, being in His Word more.

The other thing? We get in our own way on our path to maturity in our faith and believing in an all-powerful God who can do anything.

We tend to think that we have to do everything ourselves to make things happen when and where and how we want. We do not trust Yahweh to allow Him to take the pilot’s seat in our lives.

We need to step back, take a deep look at our faith walk, and take notice of what’s going on.

Ask yourself these questions:

  • What am I doing?
  • Am I in my own way?
  • What do I need to do to step aside and let Yahweh have control?
  • Do I trust Yahweh? If not, why?

Once you work out the answers to these questions apply them to your life.

Remember, Yahweh can do anything!

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