Tag Archives: Anchor

We Have An Anchor!

How often do you think the adversary attacks our souls a day?

I think he’s very cunning and crafty with his words and ways. Even if it’s only a couple of times he attacks; once its in place, by human nature the doubt and fear in us does the rest for him.

There comes a time in our Christian walk when our feelings become dim. Satan tries to make us doubt our transformation, and during this time, we need something solid that we can take hold of. Yahweh‘s Word is an anchor that will not break free.

In His wilderness experience, Jesus counteracted the attacks of Satan by quoting Scriptures. We must follow His example when we are being bullied by the attacker of our souls.

In my Christian walk, I’ve hit lows in my faith in Yahweh. I stepped back from Him a few times disgruntled by the way things were going.

My problem? I wasn’t anchored to Yahweh. It happens to all of us. Some come around quicker than others. But, we all step back and question our faith.

Let’s grab hold of The Anchor. Hold on for dear life. He will cling to you and be your strength. Just like He did for Jesus during his experience of temptation. The Word of Yahweh is our guide and instruction for our Christian walk.

Where do you find yourself in your Christian walk, today?

Comment and let’s chat! Bless others as you bless yourself.