Tag Archives: Isaiah 46_4-5_9-10

GOD; He Delivered Us!


“Let us trust in that God who has often delivered us to do it still, to do it now! Let us not be so stunned, but have an eye to God in His word, not in an image; let us depend upon that, and upon the promises and predictions of it, and God’s power to accomplish them all. And let us know that the unbelief of man shall not make the word of God of no effect.” ~ Matthew Henry

God is my creator! There is none like Him and none can compare. There is no equal. He alone is The Almighty, omnipotent (infinite in power), omniscient (having complete or unlimited knowledge, awareness, or understanding; perceiving all things), omnipresent, (present everywhere, at all times, at the same time) God.

God, Yahweh, is my deliverer, now and always. He will manage with our without me. He has all control. He doesn’t need me to accomplish His plan. There is nothing I can offer Him to accomplish His plan.

All I need to do it trust, obey and have faith in Him and Him alone. What does that mean for me? How does it apply to my life? How can I apply it to my life? Here are my thoughts:

  1. Stop being selfish and thinking I can handle my life without God; because it’s not possible.
  2. Pray
  3. Be in His Word
    1. It is alive. Every time I read it God stretches me to learn more to apply more to my life.
  4. Have Christian fellowship with like-minded brothers and sisters in Christ knowing that God will use those relationships to sharpen me to more Christ-like.
  5. Stop believing the lies of the devil.
    1. If you need guidance here, message me and I’ll help.
  6. Live by example! Be Christ’s example to a lost world.

Dear Abba Yah, show me the way because a lot of times I’m so lost I’m unable to find my way. I trust You. I know You will never mislead me. I pray for the readers of this blog. I lift each of them up to You. I pray that they will earnestly surrender to You and divest themselves of all worldly things and follow You 100%. I pray this for myself as well. It’s easy to get distracted and veer off the path. Thank You in advance for hearing and answering my prayers, Yahweh. In Jesus’ name, amen.