Tag Archives: Job

We Question, Why?

Job 19_35-37 image

When someone loses a loved one by death, the question automatically comes, “Why?”  For whatever reason, we believe that if we could make some sense of the misfortune, it would give us some comfort. Job looked for the same answer while in his time of crisis. Still, Yahweh chose to show throughout his life that a man can love God and find peace without knowing the origin of his difficulties. Painful though his life was, the Bible says: In all this Job did not sin or blame God (Job 1:22).

After losing his fortune, his family, and everything he had worked for, Job was afflicted with a form of leprosy. For almost two years, this painful illness tormented his nerves, causing them to be bleeding sore.

Four friends came to “comfort” him and indicated obviously, Job’s difficulty came because of some big secret sin in his life. Following, when Job was restored, these same four men were commanded by Yahweh to ask Job to pray for their forgiveness.

Three prominent lessons are learned in the book of Job:

  1. Human suffering is not inevitably an evidence of God’s anger with the suffering one;
  2. God is with His people at all times, despite they can’t feel Him;
  3. While difficulty may be allowed by God, it’s caused by Satan.

Satan confuses these three principles. He likes for us to think that God forgets His people and is the creator of difficulty. The true believer looks past the difficulty of the moment to the dawn of Yahweh’s love. He, like Job, can say: My Redeemer lives! Recognize, after the cross, the resurrection without exception comes.

Where do you find yourself today? Has Satan confused you? Comment and let’s chat.

Me: Yes, I feel like Job. I don’t blame Yahweh. I trust my Redeemer. I have faith in Him. Do you?

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