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Patience For Repentance

2 Peter 3_9 image

Human nature is impatient, don’t you agree? Generally, we don’t like waiting for things to happen. Perfect example; driving along and then getting stuck behind a slow moving vehicle. We want for them to pick up speed or get out of the way, right? OR we get in the check-out line for whatever purchase we’re making and we get stuck behind the person with everything except the kitchen sink to scan in, or behind someone with (what we consider) the spawn of satan.

Yes, I have these experiences. I’m an impatient person, I think. However, I’ve been told by many that I have the patience of Job. I won’t go into details, but, I’ve had some crazy life experiences.

The LORD is the perfect example of patience. He gives us every chance to make the correct choices to come to repentance so that none of us perish. He made us a promise, he doesn’t back out of it.

What are you waiting for? It’s your choice to accept Him and come to Him, repent of your sins. One day time will run out. What then?

I would rather live my life as if there is a God and die to find out there isn’t than live as if there isn’t and to die to find out that there is. Albert Camus