Tag Archives: testing israel by God

Testing Israel, by God!


You know, there are huge similarities to all of us today regarding today’s scripture. Look at the way America (the world for that matter) is now. It’s a disgrace to the name of Yahweh! Just awful! Yahweh will make it right! Jesus is returning… And man, what strife people will be in then! God is more than enough!

What should we do? How do we apply this to our life? Here are my thoughts:

  • I, personally, need to be obedient to Yahweh.
  • I, personally, need to stop being selfish.
  • I, personally, need to share the Gospel.
    • Plants seeds.
    • Pray over those seeds.
    • Leave it with God. He’s got it under control.
  • I, personally, need to trust God in His plan.
    • His word says He has a plan for me and you. It’s not my job to take the wheel and steer wherever I please. That’s destructive. (Been there; done that! I learned my lesson.)
  • His goal was to carry out his plan, when the right time came, that all things in heaven and on earth would be joined together in Christ as the head. In Christ, we were chosen to be God’s people, because from the very beginning God had decided this in keeping with his plan. And he is the One who makes everything agree with what he decides and wants. Ephesians 1:10-11
  • I, personally, need to be on my knees in prayer seeking to make right what I might have done wrong and making myself right with Yahweh in all I say and do. It’s a great goal for everyone.

Dear Yahweh, I come, prostrate before you. I seek You. Please show me, use me, and make right what I can help with. I pray the readers of this blog post will do the same. Cleanse all filth from every crack and crevice of my wretchedness so I may be worthy of Your name and to say Your name. Thank YOU for saving me through Jesus shed blood and body, in Your name. Thank YOU that He took on my sin, and of all others as well. You are amazing and wonderful, Yahweh. Thank You, in advance, for hearing and answering my prayers. In Jesus’ holy precious name, amen.