Tag Archives: The Great Commission

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The Great Commission

Matthew-28_17-20 scripture image

  • What are the details in these verses?
    • What I observe is that Jesus appeared before His disciples after He was resurrected from the grave and rose back to life. The disciples worshiped Him; even though some doubted it was Jesus.
    • Jesus spoke to them telling them that God gave Him all authority in heaven and earth. Jesus then commands them to go out and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching the new disciples to observe everything that Jesus commanded to them. Jesus also reminds the disciples that He is with the disciples always, to the end of the age.
    • What stands out to me is that the disciples worshiped Jesus, as well as, Jesus was given all authority in heaven and earth.
  • What is God’s word saying to me?
    • I’m a disciple of Jesus Christ the Messiah.
    • It’s my duty as a disciple to make disciples of Jesus, to baptize them, and to teach them to observe everything Jesus commands.
    • Also, I’m reminded that Jesus is with me always.
  • How can I apply this scripture to my own life?
    • It’s a comfort knowing that Jesus is always with me. I never have to be alone. I also believe that He will guide me; from my experience so far, to do what’s expected of me.
    • Submitting to God, trusting and obeying Him, as well as, seeking Him always in all things, will keep me focused on the task at hand. As scripture says, “keep my eyes on the prize before me.”[paraphrased]
    • Be a willing participant in the team God has put together. He knows what He’s doing, even if I do not.
  • What changes do I need to make?
    • Take stock of my life so far to see where I am in my alignment with God. Being out of alignment will throw my life off track, creating chaos and trials. Regardless, some trials are teachable moments and tests of my faith reeling me back in.
    • I will need to dig deep and clear out the clutter (mental and physical) and the mental cobwebs. I will also need to clear out all distractions that keep me away from the prize before me (Jesus).
  • Is there any action that I need to take?
    • This will always be the same response. Distractions galore will always appear (stay the ~course~).
      “Just Do It!”

Prayer: Thank You, Yahweh, for all that You are, all that You do, and all that You are doing in the lives of believers who are Your disciples. I pray that we will be a blessing to You, Yahweh. I lift up all of the world to You, Yahweh.  You know the tragedy that’s going on. I realize it’s all part of Your grand plan and purpose. I don’t understand it. I don’t have to. You do not need any input from me for anything. All You need from me is that I surrender and submit myself to You and allow You to use me in the grand plan and purpose. I pray this for everyone You have written in the Lamb’s Book of Life. Only You know these names. I honor, glorify, adore, and love You, Yahweh. I pray the readers of this blog are in harmony with You and that we’re Your disciples, planting the seed so You can harvest at the right time. Thank You again, Yahweh. In Jesus’ name amen.