The Beatitudes and Superman


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The Beatitudes Jesus teaches from the mountainside. We can live blessed lives. We simply need to trust, love, obey, praise & worship, adore, and fear (revere) God with our whole being. That’s not to say we won’t have trials and burdens. God uses our trials to build us up, strengthen us, and teach us, and to help us growth in our faith in Him. What’s stopping you? Stop believing the lies of the devil. Stop the devil of permission to hold you in his control. Then, surrender to Jesus, the Holy Spirit, & God. Why? To gain freedom in Christ through salvation. Be liberated from the devil, now. Accept Jesus as your savior. Satan has no power over God, the Holy Spirit, Jesus. In fact, by the sheer mention of “Jesus”, the devil crumbles and loses all power. Imagine, if you will, for a minute, Superman & Kryptonite. What happens to Superman when he is near Kryptonite? In fiction, it’s temporary. As soon as Superman is out of range of it he regains his strength. Well, as long as you continue to surrender and obey God, your weakness is turned to strength through God. Praise the living Triune God, Yahweh! What an awesome blessing!

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