The Spirit and The Cross

1 Corinthians 2_4-5 image

Paul writes to the Corinthians about the power of the Cross through the Holy Spirit. In the text, Paul mentions that he wanted to come to the people as a weak and fearful human without the power of the Holy Spirit to show how powerful the message of the Cross is and what it symbolizes. He wanted the people to know that his teaching and preaching were not of human strength and wisdom but, from the Holy Spirit and the power of Yahweh.

The cross of Jesus Christ is the power of Yahweh. It is a subject of mockery for those who are dying in their sins, but it is the only power to save for those who believe. All of life’s last issues are completed at the cross: human pride vs. Yahweh’s provision, man’s sin vs. Yahweh’s love, our enemy the devil vs. Yahweh’s perfect Son. Here at the cross, Jesus cried, “It is finished.”

Let’s allow the power of this completed work happen in us today. If you haven’t yet! It’s transforming power is amazing and wonderful.

Where do you stand today? Share and comment your experience.

Me: I stand at the foot of the Cross and I seek to bow before Him at His feet while He sits on the Throne! I come before Him in the Throneroom bowing before Him! There was a time I rebelled. I got a dose of reality and came to my senses when I realized how wretched I am with Him. Do you? If not, why?

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