The Temple – House of Prayer


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Passion Week – Day 2 Jesus arrives at and enters the temple to find money changers inside and drives them out because the temple is a house if prayer. He, then, began to teach daily in the temple. However, the religious leaders & teachers weren’t happy about it. They began plans to kill Jesus. They wanted to stop Him. But, they couldn’t think of anything. The people hung on Jesus’ every word. We have to contemplate what the impact of this is. Why did the religious leaders want to stop Jesus so bad they want to kill Him over it? Why did the people hang on Jesus’ every word? What did the people gain from listening to and following through with what the learned from listening to Jesus? Let me know your thoughts on this scripture. Me? Yeah, Jesus was teaching of the benefits of turning from the pagan gods and surrendering to the One true God pulling from the old testament and current state of what’s to come (prophecy). People liked what they heard, why? Because Jesus wasn’t teaching about man-made ritualistic rules. What else? Your turn!

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