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Blessed Assurance

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God assures us of His purpose and intentions. Why do we not trust Him? Why do we not believe what He says? I'll tell you one reason; untrusting. Why are we untrusting? Hint: believing lies of the devil. Stop it! The devil only brings misery. Stop living a miserable existence. Don't get me wrong, believing the One true God isn't all sprinkles, skittles, & m&ms. Sometimes we have to suffer a bit to be blessed. We have to go through good and bad and have faith God will see us through. We need to have faith in Him; in His Mercy & Grace! I challenge you to stop believing the lies fed to you by the devil and start believing the truth of God. Share your experience. Bless us & you will be blessed.

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Reigning From Heaven

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Thank You, Yahweh. Thank You for being just, Lord. Yahweh serves justice. There's no escaping, hiding, or running from Him. He sees all, knows all, and is everywhere at the same time. The virtuous will see His face. What is virtuous? The dictionary tells us this: …morally excellent; upright. We are a long way off from this. There's not a little, partly, or some upright. It's an all inclusive thing. You either are all upright or none at all. Abandon sinful ways and run straight into God's arms and repent, surrendering and transforming into a new person because Jesus died & lives again to pay the ransom for our sin. We are washed in the blood of the Lamb, Jesus, when we accept His gift of salvation. What does this look like for you?

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Forever and Ever King

Hearing God!

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This is so important. The way life is today; it’s noisy, fast, and not hearing from God. I’m participating in a challenge this year. #HEARChallenge curated & hosted by @blakeacroft I’ve been stuck in the first few chapters of the challenge. Satan has been throwing obstacles in my way & blocking me with loads of noise. I saw something someone else posted online this morning… And I replied to it. It was just then I had a revelation. God spoke to my heart, mind, & soul at that moment. See, it can come in the moments you least expect Him to speak. Also, you need to do is listen so you *can* hear Him. Check out the challenge. It’s great. IM me privately to get more details if you need to. But, Blake’s profile will direct you with the link. Go!

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Safe in God’s Arms

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Amidst all this turmoil and chaos; with wars and rumors of wars, God is our safety net. Dwelling with Him is the best place to be. That's not to say that we won't experience turmoil. It's only saying that no matter what's happening around us, we can find peace with God and that He will see us though it. I've experienced both. Total chaos and mental pain & torture without God. With God, even amidst the turmoil and chaos He gave me peace & safety. If it is my time to die, I'm ok with it because, He will take me to be with Him for eternity. Being with Him for eternity is the best place. Where are you right now? What is your situation? Are you safe in God's arms? If not, why? If so, praise His holy name, amen. Share what God has done in your life to bless you.

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Jesus Birth Story

This is such a long story spread out over the Gospel because it’s told from the perspective of 3 apostles. I decided to share it in gallery form with the scripture images.

I’m not going to share a whole lot because I want you to allow the Holy Spirit to wash over you as you read these scriptures. Allow His word to sink in. Allow it to fill you to overflowing with blessings and love. Share it if you like. Bless others with it.

I’ll post one more like this to end this Advent Series.

God’s blessings upon all of you!