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Now, brothers and sisters, we do not need to write you about times and dates. You know very well that the day the Lord comes again will be a surprise, like a thief that comes in the night. You are all people who belong to the light and to the day. We do not belong to the night or to darkness. But we belong to the day, so we should control ourselves. We should wear faith and love to protect us, and the hope of salvation should be our helmet. God did not choose us to suffer his anger but to have salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ. Jesus died for us so that we can live together with him, whether we are alive or dead when he comes. So encourage each other and give each other strength, just as you are doing now.
1 Thessalonians 5:1-2, 5, 8-11
- What is going on in this scripture?
- This section speaks about the concern of the futility of seeking after the specific time of Jesus’ coming, which would be abrupt and horrible to the wicked, but at ease to the saints, 1 Thessalonians. 5:1-5.
- Note, there are lots of things that our vain curiosity desires to know, but there is no need at all for us to know about them, nor would our knowledge of them do us any good.
- He then encouragingly urges them to the duties of vigilantly watching, seriousness, and the exercise of faith, love, and hope, as being suitable to their state of mind, 1 Thessalonians 5:6-10. In the next words, he urges them to numerous duties they owed to others, or to one another (1 Thessalonians 5:11-15).
- The apostle bases timely warnings indicating several needful duties.
- To watchfulness and soberness, 1 Thessalonians 5:6. These duties are distinctly different, yet they unanimously befriend each other.
- To be well-armed as well as watchful: to put on the whole armor of God. This is necessary in order for such soberness as develops us and will be a preparation for the day of the Lord because our spiritual enemies are many and powerful, and vicious.
- We must live by faith, and this will keep us watchful and sober. If we believe that the eye of God (who is a spirit) is always upon us, that we have spiritual enemies to wrestle with, and that there is a world of spirits to prepare for, we will see the reason to watch and be sober. Faith will be our best defense against the attacks of our enemies. Christ died for us, that, living and dying, we might be His; that we might live to Him while we are here, and live with Him when we go consequently.
- The apostle bases timely warnings indicating several needful duties.
- This section speaks about the concern of the futility of seeking after the specific time of Jesus’ coming, which would be abrupt and horrible to the wicked, but at ease to the saints, 1 Thessalonians. 5:1-5.
- What is God’s word saying?
- We need to be soberly minded and urgently watchful, but not worry about when Jesus will come again because it will be quick. For the believer, it will be a comfort. For the unsaved, it will be horrible.
- How can I apply what I just read to my own life?
- We must be about our Father’s business. Wear the full armor of God, stand ready at all times, and be able to ward off the enemies. Sharing the Good News of the Gospel of Jesus; planting His seeds.
- What changes do we need to make?
- We need to more mindful and aware and be in God’s word; praying at all times to be ready.
- We need to be in unity with each other according to God’s word. Do not allow Satan to divide us.
What can you come up with regarding duties to each other and to God?
Prayer: Dear Father God, thank You for Your lessons and nuggets of faith and blessings that encourage and feed us. I pray that we all will be caught convicted in our faith in You. Help us to be watchful and mindful of what our duties are to You. Thank you! In Jesus’ name, amen.