Yahweh’s Mercy

Jonah 4:2 image
Jonah is the best known of the Minor Prophets, probably because of the whale tale. Except that the intent of the book is not about the whale but about the unsympathetic prophet. Jonah was a prophet sent to inform a Gentile nation. However, he ran away! Why?

Jonah ran away from Yahweh’s call because he knew what the God of Israel was really like! It’s true, whether or not you agree. Why, if he went and informed those idolatrous Gentiles, Yahweh might save them! To Jonah, they were the enemy. No doubt, Yahweh would not save them!

Because of a second chance, Jonah went, resentfully. And just like Yahweh said would happen, Nineveh repented. Yahweh advised. And Jonah was mad. In v. 11 Yahweh asked, “Shouldn’t I feel sorry for this important city, Nineveh?” Yahweh loves pagan city-dwelling Ninevites.

Do we? Like Jonah, we may know Yahweh is “gracious, merciful, slow to anger and abundant in lovingkindness.” How are we reflecting His heart toward the hated and violent “Ninevites” in our towns? How are we fulfilling His appeal to go to them and teach His word of repentance and forgiveness?

But wait! How can we fulfill His appeal to us to go to the pagans and teach His word of repentance and forgiveness while we’re like Jonah running away? We need to stop running away and stand up for Yahweh and His Good News of the Gospel.

Who’s with me? Comment and let me know how this looks in your life.

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