An Invitation

Song of Songs 5:1 image

Notice how prompt Christ is to receive the calls of His people.

Any tiny bit of good we have in us would be wasted if he didn’t protect it.

He also invites his dearly loved people to eat and drink freely.

The commands that they obey reverently of Him, are the way of grace, mercy, and love.

As today is Valentine’s Day, let’s show our love to everyone and Christ, not only because of His gift of Salvation but, because he cares for each one of us. His grace, mercy, and love overflow with no end, for us.

How are you celebrating Valentine’s Day? Comment your experience.

Me: Yesterday, the 13th, was our 18th wedding anniversary. We celebrated that and Valentine’s at the same time. We had dinner and went a movie together. We don’t do that often. It was very nice to spend that time together.

Now, it’s your turn!

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