Character Flaws


Our homes, labs of human experience, provide the climate for spiritual education.

When some character flaw (sin) is revealed in us, we must take that flaw to our Lord for His help in correcting it.

Yahweh is our disciplinarian. He administers our punishment and corrections.

While discipline isn’t a joy ride and is painful at times, later, after learning from it, we will have peace, because we start living in the right way.

We all have character flaws that need discipline and correcting. All one needs to do is to “people watch”. You know what I mean. Go to the mall and sit and just watch. The other place could be a public park or garden with people. Central Park, in NY, for example. That’s a huge place. One would never run out of places to sit and people watch. All sort of things can be seen by people watching. I suppose that’s why there is the entertainment industry. We like to watch other’s flaws, and forget we have any. Until all of a sudden, a scene strikes a nerve in you. All because it reminds you of your