Christ’s Love Affair – Part 2

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The Bridegroom gives high praises of his wife. The Bridegroom is Christ. His wife is the church body [believers].

In the verses prior it says this:

9 You, my love, excite men as a mare excites the stallions of Pharaoh’s chariots. 10 Your hair is beautiful upon your cheeks and falls along your neck like jewels. 11 But we will make for you a chain of gold with ornaments of silver.

The parallel to this means that Christ’s believers excite Him. It compares to the love between husband and wife.

The grace received from Christ’s fullness jumps about excitedly of faith, affection, and gratitude. However, Christ is most beloved to them. V. 14, [My lover is like the wild flowers that bloom in the vineyards at Engedi.], signifies “atonement or propitiation.” Christ is precious to all believers because He is the propitiation for their sins. Believers decide to allow Him to dwell in their hearts through all of the trials of their life. Christ takes joy in the good work that his grace has worked out in the souls of believers. This should join everyone who is made holy, to be truly thankful for that grace that has made them right, who by nature were damaged. The spouse (the believer) has a humble, innocent eye, finding simplicity and godly character; hearts well-informed and lead by the Holy Spirit, the blessed Dove. The church shows her value for Christ.

The believer expresses praise of the sacred commands in that true believers have fellowship with Christ. Whether the believer is in the courts of Yahweh, or in privacy; whether following his daily activity, or restricted to a sickbed, or even in a jail, a feeling of the divine presence will turn the place into a place of joy. So the soul, daily having fellowship with the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, enjoys an inspired hope of an honorable, clean, and unchanging legacy in Heaven for Eternity.

The ones who do so may come to him boldly, and can humbly appeal to him. Christ has a peace for them. The souls who love Jesus Christ, sincerely want to share in the benefit of his flock [fellowship/discipleship]. Turning away from Christ is what gracious souls fear more than anything else. Yahweh can and will answer prayer.

So, boldly go before Yahweh, praising and worshiping Him with all your soul, mind, and body. No matter your circumstance. He is waiting for you.

What was a time that you expressed an unfettered praise and worship to Christ? Comment and let’s chat.

I’ll comment in social media with those who interact in comments.

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