Eternal Fulfillment

Ecclesiastes 1 image

The test to us who live in this life of greed and materialism is not to pursue real advantage in earthly things and convenient lifestyles, but to focus on the things that are above (Since you were raised from the dead with Christ, aim at what is in heaven, where Christ is sitting at the right hand of God. Col. 3:1).

We will gain our fulfillment only in Yahweh.

Where do you find yourself today? What are your thoughts on greed and materialism? Comment and let’s chat and interact. I’d like to hear your feedback.

Me? There was a time in my past where I was caught up in materialism and was somewhat of a hoarder. Yahweh changed all of that. He helped me see “the light” and changed my heart.

It’s your turn! GO!

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