Tag Archives: Jesus

Disciple Making

Matthew 28:27-29 image

Surely, this is a Great Commission! The principal verb of command in the original language isn’t “go” but “make disciples.” Accomplishing the Great Commission commands us to be making disciples, not just deciders. It means baptizing believers and to teach them to obey all Christ commanded. Obedience is the purpose of Christ’s Great Commission. Only doers of His word are true disciples (Matt. 7:21; John 8:31).

There’s a different way that this is a Great Commission. Originally, Jesus told His disciples to go just to “the lost sheep of Israel” (Matt. 10:6). Except now He charges them to go to all the nations (ethnic groups). With faithful disciples in barely half of the twenty-four thousand “nations,” an enormous amount continues to be done in achieving this Great Commission.

Do you agree this sounds like a “mission impossible”? It would be if it weren’t for Christ’s promise to be with those who go and make disciples in all nations. With the command is the promise. His attendance makes it achievable.

Who’s ready to accept the “mission impossible” challenge? If not, why? What’s holding you back? What’s stopping you?

Comment and let’s chat.

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Christ Tests Believer’s Faith by Leaving

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I don’t know about you, but, I’ve had some seriously heavy nightmares similar to this scripture. One nightmare goes like this:

In the dead of sleep; my soul was awakend as I lay frozen and helpless asleep. The awakening came from a demon chasing me to capture me. My spirit was dreadfully fleeing the demon with him on my heels. He was shrieking and wailing after me. I screamed in dread of being caught. All of a sudden my physcial awoke in mortifying fright. I prayed aloud “In Jesus’ name leave this place satan, you are not welcome here.” I prayed that prayer over and over again. I was very afraid to fall back to sleep.

Have you ever had nightmares with demons after you? If so, what did you do and how did things turn out?

Today’s message is this:

It was difficult to the Old Testament church to find Christ in the rituals of the law; the guardians of that church did not give much help to those who desired Him.

The night is cold, dark, and sleepy, and of faint fears involving spiritual things. At first, when nervous, some weak attempts are made to reach the hope of fellowship with Christ. This proves to be pointless; the believer’s diligence is then stirred greatly.

A promise is given to the ones who seek for men’s souls.

Instant contentment isn’t found. We must not rest by any means, but by faith, appeal directly to Christ. Grasping onto Christ, and not letting him go, expresses sincerely abiding in Him.

What occurs is a humble, faithful requests by prayer, with a cheerful practice of faith in His promises. Provided that the faith of believers is maintained in Christ, He won’t be upset at their sincere requests, yes, He is thoroughly satisfied with it.

The believer wants to make others known of his Saviour. Anywhere we find Christ, we need to take Him with us, especially in our hearts; and we should challenge ourselves and each other, to beware of grieving our Divine Comforter and encouraging the separation of the Beloved Christ. He leaves His Holy Spirit as our Comforter. The Holy Trinity is Yahweh, Son/Christ, and the Holy Spirit… the three are One! So, Christ is still with us, of the Spirit. As is, Yahweh. You can call on any of them to reach all of them.

How mind-blowing and awesome is that?!?! Today, we have access to The Trinity. We have the knowledge because of His word. It’s alive and living. We can seek fellowship with Him. Hide the Word in your hearts. Once you have it, and Jesus in your hearts, nobody can take that away, nor separate you from Yahweh.

What is your fellowship with Christ like? Comment and bless others as well as yourself.