Tag Archives: Paul


The Call – Not From Any Human Source

Galatians 1 image

To serve God is the deliberate love-gift of a nature that has heard the call of God. -Oswald Chambers

According to Paul, in the scripture, and Oswald Chambers, God’s call on our lives happens without our choosing. Paul mentions in verse 12 that he received revelation directly from Jesus Christ. Then in verse 15, it says: But even before I was born, God chose me and called me by his marvelous grace.

We are God’s vessels. He uses each of us for his grand purpose. To share the Good News of the Gospel to save lost souls for Christ.

What are you doing to prepare yourselves for God to place a ministry on your hearts? Paul went away and spent time preparing himself. Then, he came back to spend time with Peter to learn to be a disciple of Jesus. God doesn’t need ours or any other human source to do HIS will in our lives. HE simply wants each of us to give HIM time. HE wants to use each of us. HE will use each of us with or without our permission. It’s HIS prerogative!

Dear Father YAH, thank YOU for the call on my life and pray for all the others YOU call on to be on board with YOU and not resist it. Show us, LORD, what we need to do to honor YOU and to glorify YOU. I pray each person reading this will be convicted to seek and surrender fully to YOU. I pray also, Father YAH, for the sick. I pray for healing and recovery according to YOUR will. Thank YOU, in Jesus’ name, amen.