Tag Archives: The True Vine Produces Good Fruit

Fruit on the vine image

The True Vine Produces Good Fruit

  • What is going on in these verses?
    • John authored this book. His style was different from the other gospel authors. He contemplated the profound meaning of what Jesus had said and done. John highlights Jesus’ nature. John’s book tells the story of the eternal Word who became flesh and lived with humans.
    • The Gospel of John spells out so plainly the basics of the Christian faith. Jesus proves who He is, diagnoses human problems, and forcefully describes what is necessary for transformation to eternal life.
    • Like other places in this Gospel, “true” means “genuine.” No branch that is Jesus’ can be completely fruitless. But branches that belong to Jesus will bear fruit and go through the pruning necessary to grow and multiply. The “fruit” refers to a Christ-like life produced by the Holy Spirit (Galatians. 5:22-23).
    • Jesus stresses endlessness and loyalty in His relationship with the disciples. “Abide” [same as to remain in] is repeated ten times in vv. 4–10. The figure of speech of the vine renders the point; it’s only when nutrients flow freely to the branches that fruit can come about.
    • The works (producing much fruit) talked about are the result of a saving union with Jesus received through grace, not merit.
    • His command to love each other is repeated three times in this gospel (v. 1213:34). He means business. Three is an important number to God.
  • What is God’s word saying?
    • I contemplate my life… Is it fruitful? If I take a look at Galatians 5:22-23 and see that the fruit of the spirit are these:
      • love
      • joy
      • peace
      • patience (longsuffering)
      • kindness
      • goodness
      • faithfulness
      • gentleness, and
      • self-control
    • As far as I know, these are the fruit I exhibit. I may slip from time to time and lose patience, etc. I quickly recover, however.
    • The main way to be and remain fruitful is to be in the Word and communicate with God/Jesus/Holy Spirit. Pray. Have fellowship with like-minded believers. Take part in being God’s hands and feet (being about His business) when occasions arise.
    • I believe love is the main and important fruit. God’s love is mentioned through His Word. When we love (it’s an action word; a verb) people; everything else falls into place.

“Hate is too great a burden to bear. It injures the hater more than it injures the hated.” – Coretta Scott King

“When we enter into intimate communion with God, He converts hate into love, anger into peace, and fear into courage.”  – Sammy Tippit

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