Divine Birth Announcement


Samson’s birth announcement to his parents. What a shock it must’ve been to them! Manoah’s wife was barren of conceiving a child. God would use Samson to rescue Israel from the Philistines. The Lord blessed him as he grew up. Then, the Spirit of the Lord stirred him.

I find it quite fascinating how God uses barren women to bring about such miraculous things. What does that say of who and what God is?

What does this scripture say to you? What is God teaching in this scripture? I believe God uses everything to serve His purpose and plans. So, how does this apply to us today? How can we apply this lesson to our lives today? Here are my thoughts:

  • We can be encouraged to continue our hope in God’s mercy.
  • Husbands and wives should tell each other their experiences of fellowship with God, and their growth in understanding with Him, because they may help each other in the way that’s holy. As well, as children with their parents in this case. It could help everyone all around. The innocence of a child and how God uses them is amazing.
  • Where God gives His blessing, He gives His Spirit to qualify for the blessing. Those are blessed indeed who the Spirit of grace begins to work in them during their childhood.
  • Hang in there! Don’t give up!

Dear Abba Yahweh, I lift up the readers of this blog to You. I ask that they seek You and know You. I pray that they allow You to work in them for Your good and holy grace and for Your purpose in all of our lives. I pray for their needs to be met and that they live fully for You. Thank You for allowing this blog to be a blessing to those You bless from it. Thank You in advance for hearing and answering this prayer. In Jesus’ name, amen.

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