Tag Archives: daily message

Disciple Making

Matthew 28:27-29 image

Surely, this is a Great Commission! The principal verb of command in the original language isn’t “go” but “make disciples.” Accomplishing the Great Commission commands us to be making disciples, not just deciders. It means baptizing believers and to teach them to obey all Christ commanded. Obedience is the purpose of Christ’s Great Commission. Only doers of His word are true disciples (Matt. 7:21; John 8:31).

There’s a different way that this is a Great Commission. Originally, Jesus told His disciples to go just to “the lost sheep of Israel” (Matt. 10:6). Except now He charges them to go to all the nations (ethnic groups). With faithful disciples in barely half of the twenty-four thousand “nations,” an enormous amount continues to be done in achieving this Great Commission.

Do you agree this sounds like a “mission impossible”? It would be if it weren’t for Christ’s promise to be with those who go and make disciples in all nations. With the command is the promise. His attendance makes it achievable.

Who’s ready to accept the “mission impossible” challenge? If not, why? What’s holding you back? What’s stopping you?

Comment and let’s chat.

You can send me a message or prayer request here:

His Gift: Good Works Through Salvation by His Grace

Ephesians 2:8-10 image
We were made to do His Good Work. His Gift of salvation makes us who we are.

We are unable in and of ourselves to save ourselves. There’s not one iota we can do to save ourselves.

Because of our salvation, we do good works. We do it because we want to; not because we have to. We hunger for it!

How does that look in your life? Comment, let’s chat about it.

Send me a message; a prayer request using the form below:

Yahweh’s Mercy

Jonah 4:2 image
Jonah is the best known of the Minor Prophets, probably because of the whale tale. Except that the intent of the book is not about the whale but about the unsympathetic prophet. Jonah was a prophet sent to inform a Gentile nation. However, he ran away! Why?

Jonah ran away from Yahweh’s call because he knew what the God of Israel was really like! It’s true, whether or not you agree. Why, if he went and informed those idolatrous Gentiles, Yahweh might save them! To Jonah, they were the enemy. No doubt, Yahweh would not save them!

Because of a second chance, Jonah went, resentfully. And just like Yahweh said would happen, Nineveh repented. Yahweh advised. And Jonah was mad. In v. 11 Yahweh asked, “Shouldn’t I feel sorry for this important city, Nineveh?” Yahweh loves pagan city-dwelling Ninevites.

Do we? Like Jonah, we may know Yahweh is “gracious, merciful, slow to anger and abundant in lovingkindness.” How are we reflecting His heart toward the hated and violent “Ninevites” in our towns? How are we fulfilling His appeal to go to them and teach His word of repentance and forgiveness?

But wait! How can we fulfill His appeal to us to go to the pagans and teach His word of repentance and forgiveness while we’re like Jonah running away? We need to stop running away and stand up for Yahweh and His Good News of the Gospel.

Who’s with me? Comment and let me know how this looks in your life.

Need prayer? Send a request using the form below:

How Wicked Is Our Sin?

This isn’t something I normally do. However, this one time I felt this message to be powerful enough to share, even though it’s on Facebook. Watch the video. It’s not long. However, it will knock your socks off. That is if you’re wearing any. Then, if not, it will make your hair stand up and take notice.

How Wicked is Our Sin? – Paul Washer

A powerful word from Paul Washer on the wickedness of sin. Video by Mike Lynam

Originally Posted by Depraved Wretch on Thursday, August 24, 2017

Isaiah Foretells Jesus’ Life

Isaiah 53_2-6 image

Isaiah is ultimately famous for his prophecies regarding the coming Christ. Written almost 700 years before Jesus’ birth, these marvelous prophecies graphically describe the birth, life, and death of the agonizing Savior. It reads as if Isaiah was literally standing at Calvary and observed the crucifixion.

Isaiah 53 represents with nearly photographic exactness the dying Christ. As we read the words of Isaiah, we rejoice that God chose to tell about His Son many centuries before Bethlehem. Through Isaiah’s eyes, we know Christ is positively the Son of God, The Great “I-AM.” Without question. The evidence is clear!

What are you doing with The Good News of Christ? How are you sharing this gift of Salvation’s story to a lost world?

Me: This devotional blog is an example. I’m spreading Yahweh’s Word digitally and verbally, in person, with people.

Comment your experience. Let’s chat.

Contact me privately for prayer or simply to connect with me, if you like, using this form below:

Bring The Good News!

Isaiah 40_8-9 image

Yes, “all flesh is grass.” Whichever, in the time of Isaiah or John the Baptist, generations come and generations go, but,

A voice says, “Cry out!” Then I said, “What shall I cry out?” “Say all people are like the grass, and all their glory is like the flowers of the field. The grass dies and the flowers fall when the breath of the Lord blows on them. Surely the people are like grass. The grass dies and the flowers fall, but the word of our God will live forever.” (Is. 40:6–8).

It’s the eternal word of forgiveness and comfort to all who’ll repent and believe The Gospel of Jesus Christ. But this Good News needs to be declared boldly to every generation before it disappears, wilts and passes away like the grass. Hence,

How beautiful is the person who comes over the mountains to bring good news, who announces peace and brings good news, who announces salvation and says to Jerusalem, “Your God is King.” (Is. 52:7).

Be that beautiful person who boldly declares the Good News of Jesus Christ.

That’s what this ministry is about, “declaring, boldly, the Good News of Jesus Christ!”

Do you need prayer? How may I pray for you today? Use the contact form below to send me an email message with your prayer request.

Now, it’s your turn! Let’s chat! What’s your experience in declaring, boldly, the Good News of Jesus Christ?

Caring For The Lost

The point of moral responsibility is clearly obvious in this acute proverb. Those headed for destruction are to be delivered. To make an argument for ignorance doesn’t remove responsibility. Doesn’t God know our hearts? Will He not hold us accountable for the way we failed to care? These are serious questions, for real!

Sixty-five generations have come and gone since Christ returned to heaven. What can and will we do to reach our generation with the gospel? What can and will we do to “deliver those who are drawn toward death”?
These are all questions to ponder and pray about being obedient to Yahweh’s call to the great commission. We are all called. We all have a party to play. What’s your part?

Please use the contact form below to send me a message and/or a prayer request.

We Question, Why?

Job 19_35-37 image

When someone loses a loved one by death, the question automatically comes, “Why?”  For whatever reason, we believe that if we could make some sense of the misfortune, it would give us some comfort. Job looked for the same answer while in his time of crisis. Still, Yahweh chose to show throughout his life that a man can love God and find peace without knowing the origin of his difficulties. Painful though his life was, the Bible says: In all this Job did not sin or blame God (Job 1:22).

After losing his fortune, his family, and everything he had worked for, Job was afflicted with a form of leprosy. For almost two years, this painful illness tormented his nerves, causing them to be bleeding sore.

Four friends came to “comfort” him and indicated obviously, Job’s difficulty came because of some big secret sin in his life. Following, when Job was restored, these same four men were commanded by Yahweh to ask Job to pray for their forgiveness.

Three prominent lessons are learned in the book of Job:

  1. Human suffering is not inevitably an evidence of God’s anger with the suffering one;
  2. God is with His people at all times, despite they can’t feel Him;
  3. While difficulty may be allowed by God, it’s caused by Satan.

Satan confuses these three principles. He likes for us to think that God forgets His people and is the creator of difficulty. The true believer looks past the difficulty of the moment to the dawn of Yahweh’s love. He, like Job, can say: My Redeemer lives! Recognize, after the cross, the resurrection without exception comes.

Where do you find yourself today? Has Satan confused you? Comment and let’s chat.

Me: Yes, I feel like Job. I don’t blame Yahweh. I trust my Redeemer. I have faith in Him. Do you?

Connect with me here:

Is God On Site?

Esther 4:12-16 image

Let’s look at Esther, from the Old Testament. She was made the queen.

The book of Esther doesn’t one time refer to the name of God, neither is there a relating to God or a specifying of prayer. Still, the whole book is energized through with His Presence and protection. This exciting story is told so masterfully that it is difficult to avoid the meaning. The story is entitled to speak for itself without any advocates and therefore makes an even deeper impact on the reader.

Esther’s real name was Hadassah. In Persia, she was known as “Esther” which meant “Ishtar” or “Venus.” No uncertainty the name was given to her because of her great beauty. The Israelites’ continuance was being endangered by a deranged Jew-hater. Haman planned to kill all the Jews and promised a large prize to obtain the king’s support. His plan failed because, not know to him, God had provided the king a Jewish wife. Haman was executed by hanging in his own noose. The message sounds out clearly that God protects His people.

Mordecai, Esther’s uncle, is a powerful spiritual might in the story. In the hour of darkest crisis, he charges Esther to rise to the situation still at the danger of her life. He cautions her that she was called to the kingdom for only the like of a trial as this. In summary, it is obvious to see that Mordecai was accurate. His moving words sound out in our ears today.

In a conflicted-haunted world, we, also, are summoned to the Kingdom for such a time as this. May we respond as Esther did, in unselfish devotion to our Christ.

How are you responding to Yahweh’s call on your life? Comment, let’s chat!

How can I pray for you today? Send me a message here (I will receive this privately in my email) :

Global Blessing

Genesis 12_1-3 image

Yahweh’s distinct promise to Abram had a global mission; He said to Abram: “I will bless you that you might be a blessing … to all nations.”

In Christ Jesus, a personal relationship with Yahweh through the gift of the Spirit is available for everyone. The good news of Jesus Christ is not only to be believed and relished; it’s also to be shared and passed on to “all nations.”

Have you accepted the good news of Jesus Christ? If not, why? What’s stopping you?

Share an experience you had when you passed along the good news of Jesus Christ! We want to hear about others being blessed!

Me: Some people are adamant in not believing and accepting Jesus and His blessings and promises for us. Several were seeking and ready for it. I can recall witnessing to some and they accepted Christ right then and there. It was moving, it was a blessing, and mind blowing to see the person’s countenance change, as well as their minds.

Your turn! Go!